This page contains all the data you need to show that Ireland is not investing enough aid in preschool education. Download. Share. Act.

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Ireland has cut the percentage of its education aid budget going to vital preschool and early learning.

It is time to act for early years and meet the international target of 10% of its education aid budget being spent on preschool – up from 3.4%.

Ireland must consistently invest in early years

Ireland's inconsistent spending on preschool aid risks perpetuating inequality. Consistent spending on preschool education contributes to giving the world's children a fair start in life.

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Early years are being left out

Aid to preschool is consistently neglected, causing a crisis of inequality affecting the world's youngest children. In 2021, global aid to preschool education was just under 1% of total aid to education, far off the internationally agreed target of 10%. This imbalance must be reconsidered urgently.

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Ireland - stop missing the target

Investing in the early years is vital for children's futures. Yet in 2021, Ireland only committed 3.4% of education aid spending to preschool, missing the international 10% target by a long way.

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A stack of different sized cubes with different countries labelled on them. The size of the cube relates to the percentage labelled on the the front of the cube. Each percentage shows the amount of donor investment for each nation in preschool education. There is a highlighted cube for Ireland which stands at 1.6% donor investment.

Ireland should do more to join top donors

In 2021, Ireland was not a top donor nation for preschool education aid, with $1.5m only accounting for 1.6% of aid. Over-reliance on a few top donor nations puts young children at risk of instability due to changing priorities, so Ireland and other nations must step up and increase levels of early education aid.

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Make your voice heard

You can tell the Irish Government to make the early years a priority @dfatirl. It’s time to #ActForEarlyYears

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