A turning point? An updated scorecard on donor funding to Pre-primary Education


As evidence has shown, quality interventions in preprimary education are a highly effective investment for individuals and societies, with up to 90% of a child’s brain development taking place between birth and the age of five.

In recognition of this, since 2017 Theirworld has been advocating for aid donors and national governments to commit 10% of their education spending to early childhood education.

This is the seventh report in a series dating back to 2017 by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre for Theirworld. In this paper, we review the latest data available on pre-primary education spending, with particular attention paid to trends in 2021 and 2022.

Download the Report

The accessible version is available here.

Businesses: Discover the Untapped Potential of Early Childhood Investments


The health and education of our youngest citizens play a critical role in shaping not only their futures but also the prosperity and stability of the global economy. It’s more than just a social responsibility—it’s a business imperative.

Inside this Report:
• Dive into the financial and societal benefits of incorporating the early years into your ESG strategies.
• Get inspired by innovative companies leveraging unique ways to champion early childhood causes.
• Join the powerful #ActForEarlyYears campaign and amplify our collective impact.

What’s At Stake?

Rising childcare costs, widening inequality, and an imminent skills gap. Discover how businesses can be part of the solution by empowering children and families right from the beginning.

Download ‘The Business Case for Investment in the Early Years’ and be part of the revolution that redefines how businesses can uplift communities and catalyze change.

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Donor Scorecard: Just Beginning

The Act For Early Years Report

A Diminished Priority: An Updated Scorecard on Donor Funding to Pre-primary Education during Covid-19

As evidence has shown, quality interventions in preprimary education are a highly effective investment for individuals and societies, with up to 90% of a child’s brain development taking place between birth and the age of five.

In recognition of this, since 2017 Theirworld has been advocating for aid donors and national governments to commit 10% of their education spending to early childhood education.

This is the sixth report in a series dating back to 2017 by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre for Theirworld. The series identifies donor performance in pre-primary education, with the latest report focusing in particular on the period from 2020 to 2021, the two years most severely affected by Covid-19.

Download the Report

The accessible version is available here.

One-year update: A Better Start?

Prepared for Theirworld by Asma Zubairi and Pauline Rose of the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, University of Cambridge.

This report is the fifth in a series ranking donors’ performance on pre-primary education that has aimed to bring the importance of investing in the early years to the attention of world leaders.

Download the Report

Leaving the Youngest Behind: Declining aid to early childhood education

Around the world rich and poor countries are failing to deliver on the promises made to the world’s youngest children, risking their development and future life chances.