The Act For Early Years ‘Minifesto’

World’s Tiniest Campaign ‘Minifesto’ Launched at UN— Campaigners demand investment to end global early years crisis!
Top early childhood organisations have launched the world’s tiniest campaign ‘Minifesto’ at the United Nations. This childlike document is small in size but enormous in its ambition, designed to grab the attention of global leaders and demand urgent action on early childhood development, a sector that has long been underfunded and overlooked.
Three Big Actions
The Act For Early Years campaign outlines three major actions needed to end the global early years crisis:

Universal Access to Quality Primary Health Care:
From pregnancy throughout early childhood, every child deserves access to the health and child development services that support their well-being and development.

Universal Access to Quality Preschool Education:
Free and compulsory preschool education must be a right for every child, laying the groundwork for their future learning and success.

Universal Support for Families:
This includes providing affordable, quality childcare and child benefits, and support to parents and caregivers to ensure that families are supported in raising healthy, happy and well-developed children.
To drive forward these three catalytic actions the campaign is calling for:
At least $1 billion in new funding commitments from governments, international donors, businesses, and philanthropic donors to kick start progress and action for the youngest children.
The first-ever global finance summit for the early years with the aim of securing the necessary investments to transform lifelong outcomes for all children.