Theirworld’s Act For Early Years campaign launch makes headlines

Our Act For Early Years campaign launched in April with widespread media coverage of our global survey which highlighted the scale of the global early years crisis.
Our global survey on parents’ struggles to get affordable childcare was covered in depth by major TV news channels and newspapers – and even prompted a statement from the British Government.
The survey of 7,000 parents in the UK, US, Nigeria, Turkey, Brazil and the Netherlands revealed that the spiralling cost of nursery and preschool fees has forced one in five parents to quit a job or drop out of education.
The campaign kicked off with Theirworld Chair Sarah Brown giving back-to-back interviews on Good Morning Britain, Sky News, ITV News and Channel 5 News, and writing Op-Eds in The Express and Nursery World.
The poll findings were covered by the Today Programme, BBC Radio 4’s flagship news programme, and leading newspaper and online titles, including The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sun, Bloomberg News, Huffpost and Grazia.
Extensive media coverage and social activity about the campaign also led to campaigners and organisations around the world downloading our Act For Early Years report.